Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Are We Getting Tired of Socks Yet?

I finished the very last pair of the originally conceived set of Christmas socks - the equivalent of a "Ladies Small" in tones of electric blue for Parker, whose feet are growing quickly. (I'm trying to remember how old Luc was during the period when his sneakers would fit my size 9 feet. Eleven or 12, maybe? In any case, Parker is not that far off.) I still have a prayer shawl going, and the Arizona socks; but I think I'm about to make myself promise not to work on any other projects until I finish that last stretch of leaf lace for the long-neglected anniversary shawl. I mean, if I don't have time now, then I am never going to have time. There are no excuses left.

And I did swing down to the City yesterday, and was very well behaved about my wallet. It really is a great city, especially for anyone who likes architecture . . . or summer concerts . . . or an interesting variety of little places to eat . . . or sculpture. *

I used to love working there, and the commute is not that bad compared to many places. Sure, a 45 minute drive to work is a bit more of a drag than the 7 minute commute I enjoyed more recently, but it's still workable and pretty reasonable. (No, I'm not talking myself into anything; I'm just adjusting my mindset and level of expectations. Now hush.)

* In the interests of full disclosure, you should know that the image of the "Tall Grass" sculpture is not my work.

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