Not much else to report. As far as I know, the invisible steer is still at large. Rick reports that the weather is wretchedly hot in Florida and he's drinking a gallon of Gatorade a day to try to stay hydrated. The project is not going as well as hoped, but he is bound and determined to be on that plane Friday evening and headed towards home!
Meanwhile, I'm 3/4 of the way through Escape by Carolyn Jessup. (I'm supposed to be reading 3 other books at present to prep for Lay Academy in two weeks - my excuse is that I have Escape on CD, so it's car time rather than reading time.) It's fascinating from a wide perspective, but I'm especially struck by how similar some of the theories and vocabulary related to the Fundamentalist Church of Latter Day Saints cult are to the Greater Grace World Outreach cult. The control of communication from the outside world; holding out the husband as the "godhead" or "covering" of the wife, or the guy who God has placed in spiritual authority over her; the need for adherents to the faith to believe rather than think; the disapproval of higher education other than the teachings of the church; and the way the whole group of believers could be instructed to believe that a certain style of dress or form of communication or line of thought was not only contrary to the philosophy of the group, but actually evil. Eerily familiar.
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