Well, today, look who stopped by:
Isn't that cool? My work is immortalized on canvas! She says it "felt" like a winter scene, so she made it into one. But she really likes painting barns, and may make a set of paintings of it in all four seasons. I made her promise to stop by and show me when she did it!
Market was busy today, in the sense that a lot of people strolled by. The produce is finally starting to come in and I was next to the strawberry man today. He sold completely out of his berries, called his son to bring another 52 quarts, and sold out of them 20 minutes before market closed. I think it's safe to say that after the long, cold winter, we are all anxious for a taste of summer.
Bill and Suzie, some friends from church, also stopped by the market. Bill is retired and having some health issues, so they had made an arrangement with another vendor there to sell off their silk-screened shirts (pencil drawings of the train station, etc.) at clearance prices. The vendor they'd made the deal with was home sick today though, so I offered to put their stuff in my booth. It really worked out well - it filled in blank spaces to make my booth look fuller, and drew eyes my way, which resulted in more attention to my own stuff. Besides, I'm always happy to do a favor for a friend. I managed to move several of their items, which made them happy, and they insisted on giving me a percentage of their sales which while unnecessary was not completely unwelcome. In the end, I agreed to take their bins of stock home for the week and show them again next weekend while they're out of town. Their gratitude was completely out of proportion with the effort, and I might want one of those train station t-shirts myself.
In between chatting with customers, I also finally managed to finish the mango & papaya baby blanket for Baby Lauren. The colors were a request, and it's still a little brighter than I might have done on my own. But I had several people compliment it on their way by this morning, and I'm sure the baby will like the soft texture. It's an 18 stitch repeat feather & fan with a 2 stitch garter edge, done in a really slick eyelash that gave me fits once or twice, mixed with a fuzzy novelty yarn. I think I'll put tassels on all four corners, and then send it to Michigan by messenger next weekend.
And that's that. I also got back to the mohair mobius wrap for a few moments, but discovered a dropped stitch and had to put it aside until I could grab a suitably small crochet hook to fix it. So I put it back and cast on for a quick cotton market bag. Idle hands, and all that.
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